Monday, July 25, 2016

Wholly Sure & Fully Holy

Before I had children, I didn’t even know it was possible to love someone who threw up on your toothbrush.  But in child-rearing, as in life, the struggle is part of the story. 

Today, we had two errands to run.  Only two.  I needed five things from the grocery store and had to make one quick pit stop at the post office.  Seems simple enough.  ***enter the 17 month old and the almost-3-year old*** 

I should remind myself more often that seemingly simple tasks take an inordinate amount of time with two in tow.

So we set out.  Not to over-exaggerate, but seriously, y’all…almost anything that you wouldn’t expect to happen on a standard trip out of the house, did.  To start, Addison acted like a feral child who had never been in public before.  Then there was the physical altercation between two female individuals in the grocery store parking lot.  Sawyer kept licking the cart…that was until he decided to lay on his back with his feet in the air.  After the grocery store, I decided I couldn’t endure even just one more stop so we headed home. 

I lost today, y’all.  I landed the most bizarre (yet friendly) check-out clerk, somehow managed to get behind the slowest driver coming home, almost ran over a delivery man (and his dolly) as he was dodging traffic on 21st, and inadvertently picked the wrong drive-thru lane.  As I watched the other line of cars, one right after another, after another…seven in all before I even had a chance to order…I was feeling pretty sorry for myself.  {read: #firstworldproblems} Arriving home, both children asked for lunch and then proceeded to not eat it. 

After a relentless hour, both kids were down for a nap.  I needed a nap, too, but I settled for a single string cheese and five minutes on hulu before I heard the boy come out of his room.  My inner dialogue was something like, “NOOOOOO!”
But as I rinsed the post-nap training potty, I felt a gnawing—a heavy, distinct weight, unique but certain...conviction.  “But God,” I argued. 

My heart knew what my mind was still trying to ascertain…but God

But for the grace of God, go I. 

Oh Lord!  How foolish, and selfish, and prideful I am.  Meandering through this day like it owns me.  Lacking faith, failing in joy, long on cynicism, but short on love.  But Your Word…it guides, gives truth, and is deeply rich.  It is wholly sure and fully holy. 

In this walk of the redeemed, we are called to be more.  So much more.  To rise above the cliché and the meager; the hashtags and the hulu.  His Word gives us our charge.  We are called to have insight, wisdom, and peace.  To come with a full assurance, a humble heart of service, and an unwavering faith.  To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8b).  To be set apart, peculiar, and holy.  To continually abide and to speak continually of the gospel - not merely with words but in deed, too.

“But the fruit of the Sprit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the spirit.  Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.” (Eph. 5:22-26)

In His mercy, His correction is edifying - Thanks be to God!

From the Fullness of His Grace,


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