Friday, June 16, 2017

Being a Dad Takes Guts

Let’s just put a few things out there right at the get-go… 1) I have no idea what being a father is like.  2) Male-readership here is probably negligible at best – a fact I’ve admitted here before. 3) Dads, in my opinion, are one of the most powerful forces in the lives of their children.

If you know me much, you probably know the social work side of me.  And, if you don’t know me, well…I’m a social worker of sorts.  That’s basically the gist.  Anyway, in the world of foster care, fatherlessness abounds...and where that isn’t an issue and where, in fact, the father is present, then it’s often an issue of abuse.  Again, this may not be your reality but in the world of foster care, this is.

And so, from that vantage point, I would like to take a second to say a few things.

For the man whose arms are strong enough to carry his children, protect his family, and do the diligent work of providing…THANK YOU.

And, because fatherlessness is a very real dilemma in our world, and in our cities, and in our communities, and on our neighborhood blocks, and even in our churches…if you’re a dad sticking it out with your family and your kids, THANKS. 

And if you’re a father struggling through rough waters following divorce or separation…struggling to stay in touch and in tune with your children, THANKS for enduring the strain because you love your kids.  And, because you love them and are working tirelessly to stay involved, it will make all the difference. 

Because I don’t know if even one man will read this, let me go on to say this:

Ladies:  If you’re the wife, mom, sister, mother-in-law, or friend of a father who is pursuing his family, engaged in his children’s lives, providing and protecting in all areas, would you share your THANKS?  Because dad’s are pretty great.  And they work hard.  And a little encouragement goes a long way. 

In my work with families I’ve discovered we don’t only have a fatherhood crisis, but a masculinity one as well.


Power can lead to abuse; a fact I deal with in my work daily.  But power that leads to transformative love and commitment and sacrifice…that’s Christ-likeness. 

I don’t know for sure the cause of our masculinity crisis but one likely culprit is our forgetfulness.  As a people, we’ve forgotten how much power men have in the shaping and making of the lives of our own children. 

So, to kick off father’s day weekend, can you join me in remembering?  In thankfulness.  In prayer for the men in our lives.  Because Father God knows what we so easily  forget…

From the Fullness of His Grace,

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