Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Nine Years of Marriage - A Small Compilation of My Favorite Memories

9 years of marriage
A small compilation of my favorite memories...

The reception & a scissor lift.

Hot dates to that hole-in-the-wall pizza place we like to go.

Sawyer’s first day of school and how you knew I would cry so you put an extra box of Kleenex in my car.

Liberty Cabin.

The last year-and-a-half of support for one another during scary times with our baby girl.  Overnight hospital stays and tests, and doctors, and more tests, and new doctors…

Holding the sharp metal shed together in the rain and the haboob.

That time I made pork chops that turned out tougher than beef jerky and how  you just politely offered to take the family out instead. 

The time we were stuck in Ft. Garland, Colorado the entire day & the mechanic tried to convince us it was snowing.

How we forgot to plant that watermelon, but somehow one miraculously sprouted beside our house…

Tradsies on the broncos, the white Ford, and the suburban that didn't go in reverse.

Our adventures to Fayetteville AR, Colorado Springs & Durango CO, Phoenix AZ, Dallas & San Antonio TX, and that one time we ran through the airport in Las Vegas NV. 

Picking up Mama Dell every Saturday & getting her a sweet tea.

The day you were ordained.

Your sacrificial love to deal with all things throw up because you know if I do, that I'll end up throwing up too.

That time you didn’t listen to me and the heat pack exploded in the microwave.

Saturday morning soccer games, even when the only goal he made was for the other team…

All your SHMILY notes.

Your willingness to laugh when I make hilarious memes. 

Dying Easter eggs in the garage.

The parenting strategies we both employ – like how Caillou lives on the east coast and is already in bed.

Your patience with me that one time I bought that old church pew.

That one time I tried to make baked mac'n'cheese, and it was horrible but you still ate it.

How you took me to the doctor not once, not twice, but three times to have forehead surgery (merp).

When I cried over the new shingles one night but you told me they looked different in the light...and you were right.

That time we took the kids hiking and got photo bombed by those two deer.

Your “clean" clothes room.

All the day-in and day-outs of raising two little ones with you – the way you are bringing them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

When Farren was born and I met almost the whole Gleaton clan.

That one time you wouldn’t let me drive after my appendix tried to kill me.

The first Christmas we were married and you thought it was a good idea to buy me clothes...rookie mistake. And also how you spelled my name incorrectly on the "Christmas Ideas List" (oops).

When we got lost trying to find your sunglasses after Jessica and Jim's wedding rehearsal.

My picture-taking for every holiday, birthday, memorable day, and almost every day in between.

How patient you were when it took me a year before we decided on Parker's headstone.

Mason Dixon line.

That one time you went to check out a noise and you kept hearing “something” on your way back. HA!

How you humored me when I got selected for jury duty by “appreciating” all my selfies with my JUROR badge.

When you spilled that entire soda in the floor of the Jetta & I couldn't stop laughing.

The cowboy sauce on your steak.

All times I’ve come home telling you about another kid I want to bring home and how you listen and respond responsibly and wise.

When I stepped in that fly trap with my new shoes but you spent time getting the glue off & saved my shoes.

The first time I got sick after we got married and I wanted my mom  so you went to Walgreens and bought the entire aisle of cold/flu medicine to try and make me feel better.

The kindness you showed when the dryer broke, and Addison broke, and my tooth broke.

Your reaction each time I've told you we were pregnant. 

How hard you laughed when Sawyer fell asleep in his under-roos at the dinner table that one time.

When I lost my debit card three times in one summer and you never got mad, you just ordered replacements.

The lake trip to Fort Sumner with the kids and our make-shift picnic.

When you left the note about the stinky garage.

Your expression when I backed into our other our driveway.


Happy Anniversary, I love you!

From the Fullness of His Grace,

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