Monday, August 22, 2016

My Kids Think Junk Mail Is Super Cool ... (And Other Curious Confessions)

So, I realized that there is a thread of seriousness to my recent posts…and while that’s good and all, sometimes it’s important to remember to come up for air.  Perhaps it’s because our life is (generally) anything but serious.  Most days, the hardest thing we face is whether anyone’s sock is crooked in their shoe. That and when the mailman is coming because my kids think getting junk mail is a pretty big deal.  They act like its Christmas or something.  –we’ve really gotta get out more –  (Merp.)  I digress.  Anyway, I have decided to list a few confessions  – ya’ know – just to keep me humble and give me something to cringe about a few weeks from now…

I recently cancelled a dental appointment because I just couldn’t find the fortitude or wardrobe to adult that day.

Sometimes mornings are hard…so I just re-toast whatever breakfast-y food Sawyer didn’t eat (usually because it was slightly broken)…I push the handle down on the toaster and eat the stale, twice-baked waffle on my way out the door.

June 7, 2015

Sawyer thinks the cheese grater is a hair brush…he’s thought this for about a year now.  If we ever invite you over for dinner, decline immediately.  (The picture is purely evidence that he has been confused about the true purpose of our cheese grater far longer than is normal.)

Our dining room table is where clean clothes go to die.  I somehow manage to wash, dry, and (usually) fold – but getting all those piles to the rightful place is near impossible. 

Sometimes I actually hide books out of sight where Addison can’t find them.  She loves to read but if I have to read a cow says moo one more time, I will utterly lose it.

We can’t have humans over…not for any reason (game nights, book clubs or drop in’s) until our carpet gets cleaned.  It’s bad, y’all, really really bad. 

We recently had the kids swap bedrooms.  There was a good reason behind that decision but for the life of me, I can’t remember why now…anyhow, Sawyer’s new room still has purple and white paper lanterns hanging over his bed…aaannndddd, I’m gonna go out a on a limb here and guess that they’ll still be hanging there a month from now.

Addison was born January 28, 2015—not a single window in my house has been cleaned since that day.  Not. One. Single. One.

I hate that my kids are growing up.  Y’all seriously.  I have two toddlers now.  As much as I hate it, I am looking for ways to capitalize on their newfound independence and mobility. Just the other day I asked Adam if it was too early to start doling out chores…specifically the one’s I dislike.

The sheer volume of dirty sippy cups.  It’s so upsetting that I just typed an incomplete sentence and I don't even care.  They’re taking over my life…my mornings, my nights, my in betweens…I HATE SIPPY CUPS!  Pre-kids, I ran our dishwasher maybe once a week.  Post-kids?  At least twice a day.  Do they even really need to drink anyway?

I didn’t even know the Olympics were happening until they had been going on for sometime.  The games  don’t air between episodes of Umizoomi and Caillou.  They clearly aren’t targeting the 30-something’s with toddlers demographic.

I sometimes play a patient while Sawyer plays doctor just so I can close my eyes, even if just for a second.  The kid knows, though, so now he tells me, "no closing your eyes, momma!  I can see you."

Both of my kids are under the distinct impression that spiders growl.  This way, I don't have to worry about them getting close enough to pick one up and chase me with it later in life.

When either of them mispronounces something, I usually try to correct it.  That is except when Addison calls Adam "momma" and when Sawyer says "hot bacon" instead of "heartbreakin'" -- I don't correct those because I love their little quirks! 

From the Fullness of His Grace, 

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