There’s a delicate balance between a person who is absolutely
normal and one who is absolutely wacko – and I know that balance well.
I’m not sure the internet or, more likely, the few people who read this
blog, are quite ready for this information.
Truthfully, I’m not sure I’m ready to put this out there. But here goes…
I am particular.
Specific, if you will. There are
these things - a whole host of them - that I prefer (or, as it would, that I don’t prefer). Let me find some examples…
- I'm an over-the-top toilet paper, kind-of gal.
- I like certain numbers and frequently {read: ALWAYS} make sure morning alarms, house temperature, and cooking times end in my preferred numbers.
- I sort snacks by color and/or shape. If both apply, I always sort by color and sub-sort by size.
- Oxford comma. Because I like grammar, nicely written documents, and commas.
- I’m a firm believer that eyebrows come in sets of two (not one) and that they should not ever be smooshed, combed, or otherwise forced to go inward towards the bridge of one’s nose. It really makes me nuts to see someone else push their eyebrow against the “grain of growth.”
- Toe cleavage.
- Cutting boards. Designated cutting boards for raw meat versus all other foods, and no, I don’t think Adam ever follows the cutting board rules! Ack!
- Icons that provide notifications on my phone (i.e. email, voicemail, applications) and clutter my screen…I am obsessive about clearing out stupid notifications. DE-CLUTTER!
- Light switches. We have multiple switches that control one light. There are two switches for the light in the living room, two for the dining room, and two for the kitchen. Certain switches I like to maintain at a natural resting position. (So, for instance, our living room light – there’s a switch by the front the door and one at that beginning of the hallway. I prefer to let the switch at the beginning of the hallway be like a “normal” switch. So when the light is on, the switch at the beginning of the hallway would have a natural resting position of a light that was on. Make sense?)
- Sock seams.
- Silverware rotation.
I’m sure there are others but my biggest balancing act of
absolutely normal versus absolutely wacko…noise. Some noises I seriously cannot even
You guys.
I’m getting goose bumps just thinking about this, and not
because I’m cold, either.
Paper bags, chip bags, candy wrappers, cereal spoons tapping
the edge of a bowl, wet sounds. . .you get the gist.
So, since you endured my preferences {read: neurosis}…and
because my guess is that none of this was actually inspirational to anyone, I
want to send you over to a real blog, with real substance. A friend of mine is truly one of the most encouraging,
insightful, and normal human beings…she comes from good stock, y’all. And add to that, that she’s a great momma, student, foster parent, coach’s wife, and a follower of the King.
So. Here
it is.
Seriously. Go there!
Be inspired! (Just don't be eating chips from a loud bag while you do this. Or do. Whatever...just so long as you GO THERE!)
My favorite blog yet ๐๐๐